Digital Customer Experience

Experience can make a huge difference – Get it right

Mastering the implementation of digital capabilities is the key to overcome experience disconnect

Would customers pay more for the delightful and seamless experience their favorite brand offers? In the coming years, most of them certainly will. Research shows that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great experience. Experience has become a key brand differentiator, overtaking the price and product. Yet, many organizations may not grab this opportunity completely – as their customers may experience disconnect in the digital world.


Getting the experience right requires implementing the right digital capabilities that consistently delight customers in every interaction.

The perception of a brand is built upon accumulated consistent interactions across multiple digital touchpoints. Getting the experience right requires an organization to implement the right digital capabilities that consistently delight their customers in every interaction. But as a matter of fact, most digital initiatives fail to reach their stated goals. One major reason is the gap between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. Incorrect implementation choices taken at the beginning of the project can make the organization rigid and unadaptable to deliver a seamless experience.

What can businesses do to make first-time right digital implementation choices? Critically evaluate the maturity of existing digital capabilities and plan the transition steps more methodically. Before starting the digital implementation journey, businesses must get the right answers to “Where to start?”, “How to start?”, and “How to get a head start?”.

Digital Customer Experience

Bridging the digital gap

Implement a “Digital Enablement Layer” to blanket the back-end complexities and meet the digital goals

Most service providers aim to deliver digital capabilities to customers, but the legacy systems have been a hurdle to their digital transformation efforts. According to one McKinsey research, 70% of digital transformation projects don’t reach their stated goals. TM Forum Digital Transformer Tracker 2020 report states that many telcos that have started the transformation expressed frustration borne out of hitting roadblocks or not achieving the expected results.

However, these roadblocks must not deter the service providers from achieving their digital goals. Another McKinsey research shows that service providers with robust digital capabilities boast a profit margin of 43 percent, compared to their counterparts whose margins hover around 21 percent.

Digital Enablement Layer is an optimal approach to blanket the back-end complexities and achieve smooth transition/IT transformation without significantly affecting the digital needs of a business. Moreover, service providers can achieve the transformation within a reasonable budget & timeline.

A Digital Enablement Layer is an optimal approach to blanket the back-end complexities and achieve smooth IT transformation without significantly affecting the digital needs of a business.