Massively Distributed Delivery (MDD) model enables the ability to operate from anywhere & to tap top talent across the world. Prodapt has successfully executed engagements using this model.
In the current crisis, businesses in the 'Connectedness' industry need the ability to operate from anywhere – and they need it NOW!
Service delivery encompasses the design, development, deployment, operations, and retirement of services. The current service delivery model co-locates resources in the service provider facility or near/offshore delivery centers, but the recent black swan event, COVID-19 has proved that model to be insufficient. Travel restrictions, clients confidentiality clauses, and work from home advisories have disrupted service delivery & execution.
Distributed delivery offers the best Business Continuity Plan (BCP) one can imagine. Prodapt’s Massively Distributed Delivery (MDD) model addresses the next-gen service delivery needs. Prodapt’s presence across five continents enables the MDD (Massively Distributed Delivery) model for rapid scaling and resilient delivery.