Insights / Product Engineering
Move to technology-driven smart policing
Leverage predictive analytics to reduce crimes and burglaries by 30%
Today, the crime rates in most parts of the world are high, despite taking necessary measures. Reports by FBI reveals, “3.9% increase in the estimated number of violent crimes and a 2.6% decrease in the estimated number of property crimes when compared to 2014.” Due to this, the police forces globally are under tremendous pressure to leverage technologies such as predictive analytics, to draw insights from the vast complex data for fighting the crimes. It not only helps in preventing robberies and burglaries but also aids in better utilization of the limited police resources.
Fig. Predicting crime by applying analytics on data feeds from various sources
As per studies conducted by the University of California, crime in any area follows the same pattern as the earthquake aftershocks. It is difficult to predict an earthquake, but once it happens, the following ones are quite easy to predict. The same is applicable when it comes to crimes in any geographical area. Combinational analysis of the past crime data and other influencing parameters help in predicting the location, time, and category of crime.
With the increasing crime rates, globally the police forces are under tremendous pressure to leverage technologies such as predictive analytics to draw insights from the vast complex data for fighting crimes.