SUCCESS STORIES / Operational Excellence

Automation blended with open digital architecture streamlines operations

How we improved health, safety, security, and productivity for a global provider of integrated mining through digitalization and automation.


In the digital age, technology is profoundly changing the way organizations operate. Asset-intensive businesses such as mining and oil and gas are constantly looking for ways to enhance operational efficiency, improve sustainability, reduce operating costs, and maximize productivity.

Many mining companies fear getting lost in a wave of new technologies like data science, SPOG, AI/ML, automation, and RF (Radio Frequency) and are reluctant to adopt them. However, carefully curated technologies can yield positive outcomes.


30% improvement in productivity

25%reduction in resource optimization cost

20% savings on maintenance cost

Client Situation

The client was the world’s second-largest zinc mining operator. They wanted to achieve the next level of growth, enhancing safety, improving productivity, and reducing costs with true technology innovation.

They approached their technology partner, a US-based network device manufacturer, to strategically implement a top-notch network infrastructure and digitalize their mining operations.

Prodapt collaborated with the network device manufacturer to leverage their gears to help the mining operator with the end-to-end digitalization of their mining operations.

Prodapt’s open digital architecture eliminated bottlenecks, streamlined processes, and made mining operations safer, smarter, and more productive.


Due to the lack of skill sets and technical knowhows in implementing network technologies, the client faced various challenges at mining locations in remote areas. In addition, about 75% of their mining operations relied on manual processes such as paper forms for work orders, instruction manuals, and data capturing. These manual practices led to errors and inefficiencies, creating productivity losses.

Several processes and equipment in the client’s business needed upgradation as the mining workforce was prone to operational hazards without access to modern technologies. They also needed a tool to extract, integrate, analyze, and visualize data from their existing systems.

There were health and safety concerns for workers at the mining sites due to the lack of safety-focused automated machines and surveillance sensors. To address the aforementioned challenges, the client had to implement new technologies and rethink how to plan, track and execute strategic initiatives.

Solving It

We implemented a comprehensive digital architecture for the client’s mining operations enabling efficient integration between different IT/OT systems. It integrated the relevant data from all assets, people, and equipment into one source of view, delivering real-time and predictive insights.

The open digital architecture featured AI/ML-powered intelligent graphical scheduling, mining resource allocation, task management, location tracking for humans and machines, and a 3D-based mine visualization dashboard to manage mining operations better. It also enabled automation features such as Tele-remote, lite, multi-lite, multi-machine control, and full-fleet automation, enabling remote operation from a control room.

Considering health, safety, and environment (HSE), we established fixed and wireless mobile sensors that powered real-time location insights and essential collaboration, enhancing overall plant safety.

We introduced a vehicle signal system that facilitated remote operations of mining machines, fuel management, and health management. Our mobile fleet operations bridged the gap between the surface and underground mines for secure and reliable communications and better situational awareness.

Digitally empowering employees improved productivity by 30%. The client achieved a 25% reduction in resource optimization costs and was able to provide faster resolution. The client got accustomed to new tools, which helped them save 20% of the cost spent on maintenance.

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